With the world of work becoming increasingly competitive, and employee demands becoming a greater factor in the workplace, recruitment videos and video communications are increasingly relevant to businesses on the hunt for the best talent.
At Recut, we are experts in this field, previously working for various industry leading brands and organisations to really help encourage talent into sectors they didn’t even know existed.
But enough about us! As everyone and their nan has been told a million and one times, video is one of the most effective content tools in communicating in the online space. And in the never-ending search for talent this is no different.
Why does your brand need a recruitment video?
Well, its pretty simple really. Video helps your brand stand out from the crowd. But it also offers a more humanising impactful image of life at the organisation. It’s much easier to relate to a human face communicating why they love working at your business than it ever will be reading text copy. Whilst job postings with an accompanying video get 12% more views and a 34% greater application rate.
These recruitment videos can also be easy and affordable to make, whilst also offering a brand a way to capture come great video content that can then be repurposed and optimised across different platforms and channels. And to help promote other aspects of the business. At Recut, creating content that can outlive one campaign is crucial to how we work, with video we believe offering something that can almost always be repurposed to work across different projects, saving our clients purse strings as well as their time.
What makes a good recruitment video? Asking all the big questions today huh? Well it’s pretty simple in all honesty. We tend to build all our recruitment videos on the principle of being concise. Say who you are and what you do.
You would be surprised how many organisations fail to communicate this to a potential employee. You want to introduce the companies’ culture, values, and its employees in an easily accessible way.
To do this, we believe it should be packed with the faces that make up your company. You want to be shouting from the roof tops about how great you are and why your employees love working with you.
And finally, we believe it should open a window up into a company’s culture. Particularly in a way that text copy can’t. Show the world what makes your business unique and different to your competitors and why a prospective employee would love to work with you!
Where to start? Our top tips for getting started on your recruitment video journey!
Step one would of course be to reach out to us (info@recutcollective.com), however, failing that here are how we go about getting started on a campaign film when we are working with our clients.
Firstly, we start by making a simple list of what the brand wants to show new employees. Starting with the obvious: 1) what the business does and what it stands for. From there, we tend to focus on questions surrounding the culture.
2) So what is it like working for this organisation?
3) What are the businesses principles or brand values? We work with our clients to build a list like this to really understand what they want their perspective employees to know about them.
Using this as a diving board, we then build a structure of what we want the video to say when. Sometimes this takes the form of a script, other times a simple list of questions to ask current employees, or as basic as a simple plan of how and what we want to happen and be communicated in each section of the video. For this we usually break it down into ten to 30 second periods depending on your recruitment videos length.
From there, we encourage brands to focus on capturing testimonials from their actual staff. Nothing sells a brand or organisation better than your staff. They represent you and reflect the company. So let’s wheel them out and get them Infront of the camera for your recruitment videos.
Then comes the edit…
At Recut this is where we put all the hard work into action. We use this time to create a dynamic series of transitions and cuts to really help tell your story as a brand. Creating an impactful informative film for potential employees. Its important to not get lost in what you’ve filmed and to try to stay within the plan you created earlier. However, if someone says something absolutely amazing in a testimonial you didn’t plan for, and it makes you look even better, have some flexibility to utilise it! In the post process we also utilise subtitles. Yes, this does, as many sources will tell you lead to better engagements, but also its important to be accessible to all talent, no matter their background. And this is something we always try to promote at Recut. Finally use a call to action.
Tell people what you want them to do! Where can they apply to join your great organisation? How do they ask a question? you’d be shocked at the number of recruitment videos that don’t give this information at all. Now its all down to you… or us… you could just hire us…
This gives you a great base point for building your recruitment content. If you want any further advice reach out to us at info@recutcollective.com for an insight into how we can really help your brand reach out to new potential employees.